Hi! I'm Shan Mi, a
I came from China and base in Sweden.
I am a front-end focused full-stack developer.
Glad to see you here!
Here are some of my projects, and they are from both school's course projects and udemy's projects. They are my very first steps for my frontend developer career, and of course they can be improved much more better.
About Me
I came from Nanjing, China, and have been in Sweden for almost eight years (which is also the age of my kid). I have a batchelor's degree in Biological Engineering and master's degree in Pharmacutical Synthesis.
Swedish is my third language and I finished SVA 3 (Svenska som andra språk) within 17 months.
In my spare time, I love travelling and exploying different things from all over the world. Now I am pursuing my passion for web development.
I work at Memmo as a full-stack developer since June 2021.
If you have interest in getting contact, please call me or send SMS
It's even better
to send me an E-mail instead.